Just Getting Started!

Welcome to The Wet Shaving Database! The world of wet shaving soaps, scents and gear can be overwhelming and we’re here to help.

Started by a group of enthusiastic wet shavers from r/wetshaving, WSDB’s goal is to be a robust, searchable online catalog of wet shaving products including shaving soaps, aftershaves, razors, brushes and more. Not only can you use WSDB to look for products, but also to track the products you own using My Shaving Den and then use your den to quickly Post a Shave of the Day (SOTD) to record your daily shaves. SOTDs can be shared via Reddit using the generated markdown or posted to other wet shaving communities you may be a part of. We are working on developing new and interesting ways to use that product information to give you more relevant recommendations and hope to bring that to you in the future.

We also have a Release Calendar where we track upcoming product releases. If you are aware of an upcoming release you don’t see listed yet help us out and submit one to be added via the sidebar.

Please pardon our dust as we’re just getting started with this endeavor. If you find a product or item that isn’t yet listed in WSDB or see a product that is missing information, please help us out and submit that information using the Product Submission or Update pages.

Thanks for making us part of your shaving routine!